Monthly Overview for 2011-2012

07/15/2011 11:07

Please be prepared for a fun and exciting year ahead!  Here's what we have happening so far! Look back often for updates and additions!


July: Pre-Camp Practices, July 20 & 21; Team Sleepover, July 22-23 from 6:30pm-10:00am; Team Camp, July 25-27

August: Pre-Football Season practices; ABC barbeque, August 13; morning practices begin on August 23rd at 7:00 a.m.; Silver Spurs & Cheer Retreat, August 26-28

September: Morning practices & band run through practices; 5K Fundraiser, Sept. 17th; Football Games

October: Morning practices & band run through practices; Volunteer at the Marathon for Adoption in New Braunfels; Football Games

November: Morning practices & band run through practices; Volunteer at the San Antonio Rock-n-Roll Marathon; Football Games

December: Morning practices for competition choreography; Basketball Games; Team Christmas Party; Adopt a Family for Christmas Gifts; Football Games


January: Competition practices; San Antonio Spurs performance; Basketball Games; Jr. Silver Spurs Clinic fundraiser

February: Competition Season Continues

March: Competition Season Continues; Tryouts (TBD)

April: Spring Show practices; Tryouts (TBD)

May: Spring Show; Spring Banquet